K8 Worksheets

Counting $1, $5, and $10 Bills Up to $100 Worksheets

Navigate through our counting $1, $5, and $10 bills worksheets to understand how various bills combine to form larger amounts. Add up values swiftly to build confidence in handling U.S. currency. Gain ample practice adding $1, $5, and $10 bills in various combinations to reach totals up to $100.

Counting One-, Five-, and Ten-Dollar Bills up to $100

Counting One-, Five-, and Ten-Dollar Bills up to $100 1
Worksheet 1 Answer Key

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Counting One-, Five-, and Ten-Dollar Bills up to $100 2
Worksheet 2 Answer Key

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Counting One-, Five-, and Ten-Dollar Bills up to $100 3
Worksheet 3 Answer Key

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